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Become a Dealer

Exclusive distributorships for our full or partial line of products are available in all non-conflicting countries worldwide.
We currently have a vast network of global distribution and retail outlets in the United States, England, Spain, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Finland, Portugal, and Australia, to name a few. The Klassen name, product brands and reputation for quality and reasonable pricing are recognized and trusted by consumers worldwide.

To get the ball rolling, please complete and submit the form below.  One of our Sales Co-ordinators will review your profile and contact you to answer any questions you may have.

Entries marked with an asterisk* are required.

First Name*
Last Name*
Store or Retailer
Title or Position

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 Letters, Numbers and Signs
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 LED Numbers and Plaques
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 Krazy and Novelty Keys
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 Standard Key Blanks
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 Key Mates and Connections
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 Padlocks and Combination Locks
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 Fastener and Springs
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 All Klassen Products

Please enter your questions and/or comments here*

File Attachment(s)

If you have any documents or photos you would like to send us, please attach them below.

*Human Verification required

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